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Permissions in a distributed architecture


Access control and security is a must. If access control and security is hard in a monolith, Authorization is specially hard and a hot topic in distributed systems. A common approach followed (even to this day) for many companies is the classical castle-and-moat technique

This architecture controls the East - West communications pretty well. From the outside someone make a Request to a unique exposed point (usually a reverse proxy, or an API Gateway), which validates the permissions of the request and, if all is correct, redirects the petition to the internal system which is in charge of solving it. That's all well & good, but has a major handicap; there is no control of the North-South traffic, meaning it allows any communication between internal systems without autentication nor authorization, due to the architecture TRUST. Let's assume that someone, using an exploit, gains access to an internal system, this would mean they automatically gain access to every single internal system on your architecture.

So, if you want to harden your infrastructure to be resilient, you need to change this simple approach.

There are a lot of articles talking about Zero Trust, and at Kyso we have been heavily inspired by that. The idea behind this paradigm is that there is no castle and no moat, so we can't trust by default any communication, even if this communication comes from a well known system.

As you can see in the diagram above, every single request is evaluated by a centralized security system, which applies the authorization consistently in every piece of the architecture. In practice, that means that every request must be authenticated (who is requesting) and authorized (can I perform operation X on resource Y?)

But how does the permission system work on Kyso?


Before we dive any deeper, let me introduce you the architecture of Kyso at high level.

The central piece in the architecture, the kyso-api + auth-server, is the responsible for authenticating and authorizing every operation at Kyso. If you pay attention to the chart, you can see that every component has a direct communication with kyso-api, but specifically, with the authentication server. That means, no matter how you access Kyso, either through the UI, or the CLI, or directly to the service... any request needs to pass the authentication and authorization process.

But how does it work?

We use JWT Tokens, a standard, to know which user is making the request. We don't rely on JWT Tokens for authorization, but we can trust in JWT for authentication, because the JWT tokens are signed by us. We can be sure that if the signature is correct, the user is legitimate. JWT tokens are secure if:

  • Every communication is encrypted (HTTPS, SSL)
    • At Kyso, everything uses HTTPs
  • The key used to sign the tokens is strong and changes overtime
    • The signing token is refreshed automatically every 10 hours at Kyso

But, if the token is issued by the auth-server, how can internal system know if the token is valid?Because every time a system (internal or external) receives the token, before executing any action, it queries the auth-server to check if the token is valid or not. If it's valid, it queries the auth-server again and to determine if the user, which it now knows is legitimate, has the adequate rights to perform the action. This process is explained in the following sequence diagram:

Following this architecture, we can ensure that any communication inside Kyso is authenticated and authorized. And having a centralized auth-server has a lot of benefits:

  • We can apply global authorization policies
  • The signing key is only stored in one place, significantly reducing the attack surface


For a more detailed explanation on Kyso's permission system you can read the docs. But to understand how we manage authorization, here are the highlights:

  • A Kyso deployment is segmented at the top-level by organizations

  • Every organization can have multiple channels

  • Every channel has a specific visibility setting

    • public: everyone can see the contents inside a public channel. Note that "public" refers to anyone with access to your deployment. So if you're using our public cloud version then that means the world, but if you're self-hosting Kyso, that refers only to those users with access to the network.
    • protected: only members of an organization can see the content inside a protected channel
    • private: only members of that specific channel (not the organization) can see the contents inside a private channel
  • Users can be a member of an organization with an assigned role (admin, contributor, commenter)

  • Users can be a member of a channel with a specific role as well (admin, contributor, commenter)

  • Channel membership takes precedence over Organization membership

    • In other words, channel membership breaks the authorization inheritance from an organization

These rules make Kyso extremely configurable, and more important, allows you to segment both research content and user groups as much as you need. You can have:

  • Public channels to share content with everyone
  • Protected channels, to share content within certain groups
  • Private channels, to share content only with specific users
  • You can also use organizations to segment user groups too. For example, at Kyso we have two organizations; kyso, for public content, and kyso internal for protected and private content to be shared only within the company.

But how this is managed technically?

Every request (that requires authorization) to any API must contain:

  • The JWT Token (who is making the request?)
  • Two request headers:
    • x-kyso-organization. Organization's identifier to which the request is going
    • x-kyso-team. Channel's identifier to which the request is going

Channels were named "teams" in a previous version of Kyso! πŸ˜›

With this information we can check if the user has the required permissions in the provided organization and channel. Let's see a small example. This is the definition of the delete comment endpoint.

// 1
@UseGuards(EmailVerifiedGuard, SolvedCaptchaGuard, PermissionsGuard)
// 2
@Permission([CommentPermissionsEnum.DELETE, CommentPermissionsEnum.DELETE_ONLY_MINE])
async deleteComment(
      @CurrentToken() token: Token,
      @Param('commentId') commentId: string
) : Promise<NormalizedResponseDTO<Comment>> {
  // 3 - Implementation

(1) These safeguards are executed before the method is executed, and validates that:

  • The requesting user is verified
  • The requesting user has solved the captcha (to avoid bots)
  • The requesting users has the expected permissions in the organization and channel provided in the request headers

Even if only one of these safeguards is not passed, a 403 error is returned.

(2) These are the expected permissions that are required to execute the action. Every resource in Kyso (Report, Channel, Organization, User, etc...) has a set of permissions, which shape their behavior in Kyso. The PermissionGuard takes the jwt + organization + channel + these permissions and checks if the current request fullfills all the requirements.

(1) and (2) gives us a coarse-grained authorization, which in fact solves 85% of use cases for an API. The remaining 15% is managed directly in the implementation of the endpoint. For example, determining the DELETE_ONLY_MINE comment can be managed only by the deleteComment(...) method, and can't be generalized in a shared Guard.

Having the ability to define the authorization in your controllers using a simple annotation, it's a big win.


Security is a hard, global, holistic problem that requires a hard, global and holistic solution. This article aimed to describe globally how we manage the authorization in a distributed architecture, inspired by the zero trust paradigm.

Of course, regarding security, there are other interesting topics as how to manage vulnerabilities in our code, dependencies and infrastructure, but having a good permission system is a good starting point!

Happy coding!